Water Education Collaborative

Logo for the Water Education Collaborative.

The Water Education Collaborative (WEC) is a coalition of the following organizations that work together to increase awareness and improve water quality education in the community.

  • Center for Environmental Initiatives

  • City of Rochester

  • Finger Lakes Institute

  • Genesee / Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council

  • Monroe County Dept. of Environmental Services

  • Monroe County Dept. of Public Health

  • Monroe County Parks Dept.

  • Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation District

  • Nazareth College

  • New York State Dept. of Environmental Conservation

  • NY Water Environment Association Genesee Valley Chapter

  • Rochester Institute of Technology

  • Rochester Museum and Science Center

  • Seneca Park Zoo

  • Sierra Club - Rochester Regional Group

  • Stormwater Coalition of Monroe County

  • University of Rochester

The purpose of the Collaborative is to educate people about local water quality issues and inspire them to help protect and improve water quality in the lakes and streams of the Genesee Regional Watersheds of Lake Ontario.

WEC’s Mission

Most of the pollution in the Genesee Regional Watershed of Lake Ontario comes from stormwater runoff that washes lawn and farm chemicals, road salt, soil particles, and other substances from yards, roofs, and pavement. The need for public education on what people can do to make a difference was identified as a need in the Rochester Embayment Remedial Action Plan. In response, the collaborative was formed in 2001 to support educational programming.

The Mission of the Water Education Collaborative is to be an effective partnership of environmental and community organizations that advances educational programming consistent with the Rochester Embayment Remedial Action Plan and other regional water resource needs identified in the community. 

WEC in Action

The WEC uses the combined resources of its members and partners to:

    • Plan, coordinate, and facilitate Water Quality Education Programs

    • Share resources and serve as a clearinghouse for water education programming

    • Seek resources to support programs

For more information about the WEC contact: Paul Sawyko, psawyko@rmsc.org